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Homework & Late Work

1. Students are encouraged to turn in all assignments on time. Homework will be accepted until the end of the day on the date it is due. Assignments turned in after the due date will be docked 5 points for every day it's late. Late assignments will be considered a zero in the grade book until turned in.

2. Assignments turned in without a name will be held until claimed by the student to which it belongs. Until work is identified, the assignment will be considered a zero. 

3. Assignments that receive a low grade may be reworked and turned in by the student for reconsideration of a higher grade before the end of the current grading period.

4. Assignments will not be accepted after the current grading period ends and will be counted as a zero. 

5. Exceptions to late work may be issued under special circumstances which have been discussed with the teacher or administration in a timely manner. 

Tardies & Attendance

Students are expected to be in the art room when the tardy bell rings. Students are allowed to be tardy twice in a semester without consequence. The third offense will be treated as rule-breaking and consequences will follow. When a student is absent, he/she will be allowed one class day per absence to complete the work they missed for full credit. Students are encouraged to be in class every day, we will follow the district attendance policy of NCISD.

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